S5 Risen Hope - шаблон joomla Mp3

Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.

Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
About us

Piletech Misr Foundation Drilling

The company is directed by an integrated team of experienced engineers in the field of deep foundation in addition to a qualified team of mechanical engineers who backup the equipment and company operations. The company works in the implementation of deep foundation and geotechnical engineering solutions studies using the following types: - Bored piles using the bentonite slurry and water in retaining the pile side walls of diameters that vary from 60 – 150 cm. and depth up to 42 m. - Contentious Flight Auger piles (CFA) diameters from 30 – 90 cm. - Retaining walls of tangent and intersected piles used in basements construction. Dewatering and water table level reduction operations. 5. Implementation of pile caps and basements up to the ground floor level. The company uses the main piling equipment and the auxiliary equipment in a firm program for quality control assurance and monitoring. Jean Lutz monitoring system is used on our piling rigs to record the pile depth, the pile cross section integrity all along the pile length, pile verticality and concrete flow rate are monitored as well during the pile execution where all the data is shown on the monitor in front of the rig operator. Data is then transferred to the technical office computers for reporting after pile execution. PIT tests are performed to guarantee the pile cross section integrity. Static load tests are performed to emphasize the soil and pile load bearing capacity.
Filename Size
An Adobe Acrobat file PILETECH MISR Portfolio 2024-25 Eng 4.92 MB

Our Company

The company is directed by an integrated team of experienced engineers in the field of deep foundation in addition to a qualified team of mechanical engineers who backup the equipment and company operations. The company works in the implementation of deep foundation and geotechnical engineering solutions studies using the following types: ... Read more

Contact us


 Bldg,8 Mohammed Wagih Ahmed St

Wabour Elmayah


  • 002034209779
  • 002034209749
  • 00201222124103
  • E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.